Many Users who use the Cash App are often left wondering about how they can order a Cash App Card. It’s important to note that the Cash App Card is not connected to a bank account and is only linked to your Cash App balance. However, if you wish to link a separate bank debit card, that is an option. In this article, we will provide you with the necessary steps you need to take in order to order a new Cash App Card.
Ordering a Cash App Card Online
If you’re interested in ordering a Cash App Card, you’ll be glad to know that the process is quick and simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:
Step 1: Open the Cash App on your iPhone or Android device.
Step 2: Select the “Cash Card” tab located at the bottom of the screen. This icon is a rectangular shape and can be found second from the left.
Step 3: Look for the multicolored button labeled “GET FREE CASH CARD” and tap it.
Step 4: Choose your preferred color from the available options and tap “Continue.”
Step 5: You can now personalize your card by choosing whether to show your Cashtag and signing it. To sign, tap the field that says “Tap to customize.”
Step 6: Write or draw your signature, and you can even add stamps by pressing the smiley face button found under the signature field. Once done, tap “Next.”
Step 7: Enter your mailing address in the designated field, and then tap “Next.”
Step 8: Confirm your first and last name to ensure that the card is personalized to you.
Step 9: Read through the details of the Cash Card, and if satisfied, tap “Continue.”
Step 10: You will receive a notification that your card number is ready. According to Cash App, you should receive your physical card within 10 business days. If you’d like to use your Cash App Card as soon as it arrives, you can add money to your Cash App balance right away.
Once you submit the request, Cash App will process it and send the card to your mailing address. You can expect to receive the card within 7-10 business days.